Level up your travel experience!

We believe in lasting moments that traveling gives, thus, Barkota is one way to meet that. With Barkota.com you can reach more destinations, the EASY way!

Basta Barko, Mag Barkota!

Online Booking System

We offer you the necessary tools needed for a hassle-free online booking experience. Passengers can also book tickets through our partner ticket agents throughout the country. We do the marketing for you.

Online Booking
Ticket Agent

Passage System

No more double booking and over capacity problems. Our passage system will give you the convenience of an automated system for ticket issuances. View your sales data and voyage statistics with a click of a button.

Cargo System

Manage Bill of Lading transactions with our easy to use Cargo System. Keep track of transactions and freight accounts easily. Monitor vehicles and loose cargo items. Keep track of sales volume and view reports anytime you want.

Cargo Booking

Barkota.com is a product of Yoshii Software Solution Philippines Corp (YSSP).

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